Cloud Simulation

More Trainees with Less Effort

Expanding Learning Options

Wärtsilä Voyage Cloud Simulation provides an effective solution to deliver classroom training remotely.

Cloud Simulation is one of the latest developments in simulation. It is aimed at providing access to a simulator outside of the training facility, on demand, to support customers’ training needs.


Available Solutions

Navigational Simulator - NTPRO ECDIS, Radar, BRM/BTM

Our ECDIS Simulator is based on Navi-Sailor ECDIS Multifunction Display MFD 4000 with inbuilt Navi-Planner voyage planning software, both fully compliant with the latest performance standards for shipborne navigation equipment.

Technological Simulator - TechSim Engineering

Engine Room simulator ERS 5000 is designed to train and assess the competence of engine department personnel, including officers in charge of an engineering watch, second and chief engineers and ratings forming part of engineering watch. 

Technological Simulator - TechSim Liquid Cargo Handling

The LCHS 5000 TechSim Liquid Cargo Handling simulator is designed to train, assess and certify crew members of liquid cargo tankers, as well as other staff responsible for the safe cargo handling and the operation of auxiliary equipment.

**The simulator ensures efficient training, fully compliant with IMO and STCW requirements.

Available Solutions

Navigational Simulator - NTPRO ECDIS, Radar, BRM/BTM

Our ECDIS Simulator is based on Navi-Sailor ECDIS Multifunction Display MFD 4000 with inbuilt Navi-Planner voyage planning software, both fully compliant with the latest performance standards for shipborne navigation equipment.

Technological Simulator - TechSim Engineering

Engine Room simulator ERS 5000 is designed to train and assess the competence of engine department personnel, including officers in charge of an engineering watch, second and chief engineers and ratings forming part of engineering watch. 

Technological Simulator - TechSim Liquid Cargo Handling

The LCHS 5000 TechSim Liquid Cargo Handling simulator is designed to train, assess and certify crew members of liquid cargo tankers, as well as other staff responsible for the safe cargo handling and the operation of auxiliary equipment.

**The simulator ensures efficient training, fully compliant with IMO and STCW requirements.

How it Works?

  1. Instructor schedules session
  2. Trainees’ receive access links
  3. Instructor uploads exercise and delivers the training
  4. Debriefing session performed

How it Works?

  1. Instructor schedules session
  2. Trainees’ receive access links
  3. Instructor uploads exercise and delivers the training
  4. Debriefing session performed